What is a coaching session like?

The Arc of Coaching

 A typical coaching session follows a natural arc, guiding you from clarifying your focus to identifying meaningful next steps. While every session is shaped by your unique context and needs, the following outline provides a general flow of what you can expect:

The Arc of an Ontological Coaching Session

A coaching session often follows a natural arc, guiding you from clarifying what’s most important right now to identifying the meaningful steps that will move you forward. While each conversation is shaped by your unique circumstances and intentions, here’s the general flow of what you can expect as we work together from an ontological perspective:

1. Setting the Stage:

We’ll begin by identifying what truly matters to you in this moment. Perhaps you’ll want to reflect on previous sessions, consider your overarching goals, or focus on a particular challenge. By the end of this step, we’ll both be clear on the topic or direction that will guide our exploration.

2. Exploration and Insight:

With our focus established, we’ll delve deeper into the beliefs, assumptions, and habitual patterns influencing your current way of being. I’ll ask questions that help uncover not only what you think, but how you think—the language you use, the emotions you bring, and the posture you embody. As new insights emerge, you’ll gain clarity about what’s been holding you back and begin seeing fresh possibilities you may not have noticed before.

3. Shifting Perspectives and Generating Options:

As your awareness expands, we’ll consider alternative viewpoints and potential strategies. By exploring how changes in language, emotion, and body might alter your experience, you’ll naturally uncover new directions and opportunities for growth. These shifts in perspective often pave the way for meaningful breakthroughs.

4. Designing Actions and Practices:

Next, we’ll translate your insights into tangible steps. Together, we’ll co-create actions and practices that align with your values, fit your life, and support the changes you want to make. These aren’t just tasks on a to-do list; they’re ways of being, communicating, and responding that will help you embody what you’ve learned.

5. Commitment and Accountability:

Before we end our session, we’ll confirm what you’re taking forward—how you’ll measure your progress, what resources you might draw on, and how I can support you along the way. You’ll leave feeling clear, empowered, and ready to integrate these insights into your daily life.

This arc ensures that our time together isn’t just a conversation—it’s a transformational process that helps you engage more consciously with the world around you and move steadily toward the outcomes you care about.

After your session:

6. Integration and Follow-Up:

Over time, each session builds on the previous one. You’ll have the chance to integrate new behaviors, try out strategies, and then return to future sessions ready to reflect, adapt, and continue moving forward. This ongoing cycle of awareness, choice, and action is what makes coaching a transformative journey.

The arc of a coaching session takes you from identifying what’s important to you right now, through the discovery of new insights, to the creation of practical steps that you can use to bring positive, lasting change into your life.

Let’s Start a Conversation:

The First Step is Free. Without Obligation

“Coaching is personal—let’s see if we’re a fit. In a free 30-minute conversation, we’ll talk about where you are, where you want to be, and how coaching can support your journey. You’ll also get a clear understanding of how ontological coaching works and what to expect in a session.”